Caley Ocean Systems, a THREE60 Energy company, is delighted to share that the all-electric Saturation (SAT) Diving Launch and Recovery System (LARS) that it delivered to Well-Safe Solutions earlier this year has completed its maiden operational dive aboard the Well-Safe Guardian.
The LARS designed in-house by Caley, is the World’s most advanced and only fully electric dive system and includes twin drive systems on a triple bell winch system with the architecture configured to maximise redundancy, exceeding industry requirements for both Lloyds and IMCA to ensure safe diving operations and recovery of the divers.
John Garratt, Sales Director at Caley said, “We are extremely proud of this system which successfully deployed a three-man SAT dive team to 117m subsea earlier this month, following extensive offshore trials to prove safety and reliability. Caley’s priority is ensuring that our systems and those who operate them and dive with them are safe. Caley has delivered more than 25 SAT diving LARS, hydraulically and electrically operated systems in both the standard two winch systems and triple winch configurations. This fully classed and safety assured system will set a new standard for SAT diving LARS.”
Robin Kimber, Rig Manager of the Well-Safe Guardian, added: “We’re delighted that diving operations went to plan, proving our solution for use in decommissioning fragile or ageing well stock – especially for wells unsuited for manipulation by ROVs.
“This proven capability makes the Well-Safe Guardian the only semi-submersible of its type in the North Sea fitted with a D300 saturation dive system. Thank you to the Caley Ocean Systems team for their support in realising this achievement.”